Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pinal County Greens Pass Resolution Decrying Police Brutality at City University of New York, Calling for Resignation of Chancellor Matthew Goldstein

Apache Junction, Ariz., Nov. 22 -

The Pinal County Greens, members of the Arizona Green Party in Pinal County, today passed a resolution condemning police brutality against City University of New York students protesting tuition hikes and calling on CUNY Chancellor Matthew Goldstein to resign following the unprovoked assault against students and faculty on the Baruch College campus.

"This resolution comes just three days after we voted on a similar resolution condemning the pepper-spraying of students and the beating of students and faculty at the University of California," noted Richard Grayson, Pinal County Greens co-chair, a former instructor at Baruch College and other CUNY schools. "Along with UC-Davis Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi, Chancellor Goldstein needs to resign. He sat idly by through the full three and a half hours of the a Board of Trustees meeting while in the same building, students, faculty, and staff of his university engaging in peaceful protest were met with a violent police response and numerous arrests."

The Pinal County Greens are members of the Arizona Green Party in Pinal County and supporters of Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Phoenix, Occupy Tucson and other groups in the Occupy movement nationwide.