Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pinal County Greens Congratulate Green Party of Germany on Winning Baden-Württemberg Election

In today's election in in Baden-Württemberg, the German Green Party appeared poised to head a state government for the first time, according to results coming from our friends in Stuttgart. The Pinal County Greens would like to congratulate die Grünen, who will lead a coalition government with the Social Democrats in the state parliament.

As The Independent noted,
The Baden-Württemberg election was dominated by voters' concerns about nuclear power. . .

The Green's leader, Winfried Kretschmann, 62, told jubilant supporters at his party's headquarters in Stuttgart: "We have won a historic victory. We are going to give a Green direction to politics. We will listen to voters' demands." Some 250,000 people took part in an anti-nuclear protest across Germany at the weekend.