Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tucson Weekly Endorses Richard Grayson in Arizona Green Party Presidential Preference Primary on February 28

TUCSON, Feb. 22 -

Tucson Weekly, sponsor of Project White House 2012, today endorsed Richard Grayson in next week's Arizona Green Party presidential primary and Sarah Gonzales in the Arizona Republican Party presidential preference primary. The newspaper's editorial board

called Gonzales "severely awesome," noting that she was the only Latina among the many white male candidates running for the Republican nomination.

The editorial wrote this about Grayson, co-chair of the Pinal County Greens:
All of the Greens have done a lot to express their plans through Project White House, but we have been most impressed with Richard Grayson,

including his plan to deport Republicans back to the 18th century, where they could be more comfortable with their tricorner hats and other Tea Party garb, and his demand that Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu be nicer to his ex-boyfriends. Few of the Project White House candidates have done a better job of responding to the issues of the day.

"I am very grateful to everyone at Tucson Weekly for this endorsement," said Grayson, reached in Brooklyn at a campaign fundraiser. "I'm so excited I don't know whether to scream or eat a banana."