Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pinal County Greens Pass Resolution Urging Jill Stein to Run for President

Apache Junction, Ariz., Oct. 12 -

The Pinal County Greens today passed a resolution urging Jill Stein to run for President.

The resolution asked Stein, a physician, educator, housewife, environmental health care advocate and former Green-Rainbow Party candidate for Massachusetts governor and secretary of state, to consider seeking the Green Party nomination for President because of her "proven experience, sharp intelligence, extraordinary political abilities, exemplary positions on issues, and her commitment to economic democracy as shown by her support for the Green New Deal and her recent activism on behalf of Occupy Boston."

The Pinal County Greens, member of the Arizona Green Party in America's second-fastest-growing county, noted that they had not yet made an endorsement in the Green Party presidential nomination race. But Pinal County Greens Co-Chair Richard Grayson said, "We are so impressed with Dr. Stein's credentials and character that we are enthusiastic about her potential campaign for President."