Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pinal County Greens Pass Resolution Condemning Budget-Cutting and Austerity as Toxic to U.S. Economy

Apache Junction, Ariz., Aug. 3, 2011 -

Today the Pinal County Greens, members of the Arizona Green Party in America's second-fastest-growing county, passed a resolution condemning the new government budget cutting and austerity policies.

"Politicians from both the Democratic and Republican parties are condemning us to continued economic stagnation, a Japanese-style 'lost decade' or two," said Richard Grayson, co-chair of the Pinal County Greens. "We need to ramp up government spending and cut some taxes now to stimulate the economy or we will put many more out of work and only make our longterm debt problems worse."

Grayson urged people to "heed the warnings of Nomura Research Institute chief economist Richard Koo, Independent Vermont U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, columnist and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman and other voices of sanity whom the Pinal County Greens join. We must avoid a toxic rerun of 1937."

Austerity Survival Guide by Brian McFadden for the New York Times