Friday, January 14, 2011

Pinal County Greens Vote to Contribute $100 for Penis Enlargement Surgery for Gun Owners of America Director of Communications Erich Pratt

Apache Junction, Ariz., Jan. 14, 2011 -
At their monthly meeting today, the Pinal County Greens, an official group of members of the Arizona Green Party in Pinal County, voted unanimously to donate $100 to help Gun Owners of America Director of Communications Erich Pratt get surgery to enlarge his penis.

In the wake of the tragedy in Tucson, Mr. Pratt today told the New York Times:
These politicians need to remember that these [gun] rights aren't given to us by then. They come from God. They are God-given rights. They cant be infringed or limited in any way. What are they going to do: limit it to two or three rounds? Having lots of ammunition is critical...

Mr. Pratt had previously said:
If our government chooses to violate our unalienable rights; if our government chooses to pass unjust laws, contrary to the consent of the governed; if our government chooses to take despotic actions that reduce us to servitude of the government, or some political agenda – then we have a right and a duty according to the Declaration of Independence to throw off such Government.

With the hope that appropriate medical treatment will help Mr. Pratt recover, the Pinal County Greens voted to donate $100 to the fund established for the communications director for Gun Owners of America.